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Warehousing is the perfect solution for many companies to get the best out of the primary processes. Activities such as stock management, order picking and transport can be outsourced to an expert like us! NBK facilitates the storage of goods that will be distributed later.

More information or a no-obligation consultation?

Our staff will gladly assist you.

+31 181 650 480



General information

NBK BV has 3 storage facilities in the Netherlands with a total area of 30.000m2. We have 3 different locations, namely: Malledijk, Hofweg and Lorentzweg. All 3 locations are close to the container terminals in Rotterdam. The location called 'Malledijk' has a customs warehouse and is specialized in the storage of ADR goods. The second location called 'Hofweg' has an excise depot with a bonded warehouse, specialized in the storage of excise goods. Our last location called 'Lorentzweg' has conditioned storage facility. The products within this warehouse can be stored in: cool, freeze and dry compartments. All food products are mainly stored at the Lorentzweg. 

Quality standards

For warehousing, NBK BV meets the standards of FSSC22000, HACCP, ISO220001, PGS 15, AEO and BRZO. We also meet the modern safety and environmental requirements for ADR warehouses.


Via our web portal called Adaption, it is very easy to view various data. This portal is real-time and therefore up-to-date at all times with all data such as: current stock and recent invoices. There are no charges for using the portal. It is accessible via the internet, 24/7. 


ADR goods.

ADR Goods

Storage of ADR goods is located at the Malledijk location. This location has more than 20.000m2 of certificied storage space. The ADR classes we are able to store are: 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 6.1, 8 en 9.

NBK is specialized in the warehousing and transportation of ADR goods. There are additional conditions applicable for the storage of ADR goods which are applicable on our storage facilities and employees. The guidelines of ADR and PGS 15 are applied. At least, our employees are working with a lot of knowledge within our facilities for the storage of ADR goods in which they follow educational courses every year. 


Excise goods.

Excise goods

Excise goods are stored within the excise warehouse of NBK. Products such as: beer, wines, spirits and mineral oils can be stored under suspension of excise duty. It is also possible for NBK to pay the excise on the goods and prepare the excise declaration. 

Transportation of excise goods by NBK is managed via EMCS. Transportation takes place under suspension of excise duty and VAT towards a registered excise warehouse.if the consignee does not have the correct permits to receive excise goods, other conditions apply to the transport of these excise goods. Furthermore, the transport of excise goods is accompanied by a T1 or an e-AD document. 


Customs warehouse.

Customs warehouse

NBK has a customs warehouse. Non-union goods are stored here under suspension of import duties and VAT. Storing goods in a customs warehouse has the advantage that the payment of customs duties can be postponed until the moment of sale. This means that the payment of import duties, excise duties and consumption tax can be postponed. Furthermore, depending on the final destination of the goods upon sale, customs declarations are submitted and customs duties are paid. Additional conditions apply to the transport of customs goods. Contact us!


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+31 181 650 480